Graphics, Figures & TablesRemoving a Segment of a Frame

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Removing a Segment of a Frame

Post by niles »


I have the following MWE in PSTricks, showing a rectangle.

Code: Select all


What I would like to is to remove the part of the right side spanned by the coordinates (4,1) and (4,3). What is the easiest way to achieve this? I could of course just superimpose a white line, but that seems like ... uhm ... not the right way.

Thanks in advance.

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Removing a Segment of a Frame

Post by mayankmi »

The code snippet you put is not even running. Please provide correct code.
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Removing a Segment of a Frame

Post by Johannes_B »

The code is running fine, did you remember to run latex or xelatex instead of pdflatex?

Regarding the question, I don't think my first suggestion is very comfortable, but it works (I'm more of a TikZ user). To put a white line above this part of the rectangle you need to know the line width. Or just put another rectangle above it.

Code: Select all

%latex or xelatex


    \psframe[linecolor=white,fillstyle=solid ](3.8,1)(4.2,3)
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Removing a Segment of a Frame

Post by localghost »

Just for information to other users for awareness of possibly already existing solutions. The question has also been posted to {TeX} SX and has got an accepted answer. Please read what our administrator thinks about that.
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