MakeIndex, Nomenclature, Glossaries and AcronymsA problem with indexing (see also appearing instead of see)

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A problem with indexing (see also appearing instead of see)

Post by bibo_extreme »

Hello I would like to add some terms that mean the same thing in the index of my thesis. For example "vector space" and "linear space". I wish this to appear as "vector space, see linear space". I'm using amsbook and for such an example I'm writing \index{vector space|see{linear space}}. However, it keeps on coming up as "see also" instead of "see". I don't know if this is a common problem but I couldn't find a solution anywhere on the web. Here's the code I'm using, without any chapter files - it still runs.

Code: Select all

% Beginning of amsbook.template
%    AMS-LaTeX v.2 driver file template for use with amsbook
%    Remove any commented or uncommented macros you do not use.


%    For use when working on individual chapters

%    Include referenced packages here.





%    For a single index; for multiple indexes, see the manual
%    "Instructions for preparation of papers and monographs:
%    AMS-LaTeX" (instr-l.pdf in the AMS-LaTeX distribution).




%    Remove any unused author tags.

%    author one information

%    author two information

\subjclass[2000]{Primary }
%    For books to be published after 1 January 2010, you may use
%    the following version:
%\subjclass[2010]{Primary }





%    Dedication.  If the dedication is longer than a line or two,
%    remove the centering instructions and the line break.
%  Dedication text (use \\[2pt] for line break if necessary)

%    Change page number to 6 if a dedication is present.


%    Include unnumbered chapters (preface, acknowledgments, etc.) here.



%    Include main chapters here.

%    Include appendix "chapters" here.

%    Bibliography styles amsplain or harvard are also acceptable.
%    See note above about multiple indexes.


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A problem with indexing (see also appearing instead of see)

Post by localghost »

Just for information to other users for awareness of possibly already existing solutions. The question has also been posted to {TeX} SX. Please read what our administrator thinks about that.
Board Rules wrote:A crossposting is always contra-productive. But there is nothing really against it as long as it is mentioned. This means that a direct link has to be added. So other users who want to help are preserved from double efforts and waste of time.
Such kind of x-posting without notification represents a direct violation of our rules and has to be prevented absolutely in future questions.

Putting this line into the preamble of your document should do the trick.

Code: Select all

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Re: A problem with indexing (see also appearing instead of s

Post by bibo_extreme »

Sorry about not mentioning that I asked this question elsewhere. I have nearly zero experience of forums and didn't realize what problems this might create. Will take note for future questions.
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Re: A problem with indexing (see also appearing instead of s

Post by bibo_extreme »

I've only just noticed that you posted a solution to my problem. It works! Thanks a lot localghost.
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