MakeIndex, Nomenclature, Glossaries and Acronymsno entries

Information and discussion about MakeIndex - the tool to generate subject indices for LaTeX documents.
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Post by dave04 »

i am trying to build a glossary and I am stuck with makeindex. My Latex-document contains such an entry:

Code: Select all

some example
\newglossaryentry{example}{name={example}, description={exmp description}}
but when I run makeindex I get:
pdflatex ...
makeindex test.glo -s -t test.glg -o test.gls
This is makeindex, version 2.14 [02-Oct-2002] (kpathsea + Thai support).
Scanning style file ./ (27 attributes redefined, 0 ignored).
Scanning input file test.glo...done (0 entries accepted, 0 rejected).
Nothing written in test.gls.
Transcript written in test.glg.
I really don't understand why there are no entries, i.e. I don't understand why (pdf)latex outputs an empty .glo-file even though there is an entry in the tex-document...


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Post by gmedina »


there are several things that could be wrong with your document and/or the compilation process. Please reduce your code to a minimal working example (MWE) allowing us to reproduce the problem and clearle specify the steps that you follow to compile such MWE.
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Post by dave04 »

I'm working with Ubuntu 9.10. The mwe is:

Code: Select all




some example
\newglossaryentry{example}{name={example}, description={exmp description}}



I had to install glossaries.sty and xfor.sty. To build the document I type
pdflatex text.tex
and it outputs an empty output.glo file. I already tried another simple mwe that I found on tne WWW so my guess is that it is rather connected to latex or the installed packages...
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Post by gmedina »

You are not using the \gls command (or similars) explicitily in the body of your document. Add, for example, the line

Code: Select all

to the body of your MWE and compile with (pdf)LaTeX, then call makeindex from the terminal (as you mentioned in your first post or using makeglossaries test if Perl is available in your system) and run (pdf)LaTeX twice again.

Please report success or failure; in the second case, please include in your message any warnings/errors.
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Post by dave04 »

ok i wrote this inside the documents body:

Code: Select all

  description={how it might be}
this is a simple \gls{example}
pdflatex issues a warning:

Code: Select all

test.tex:0: name{glo:example} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one
and makeindex outputs:

Code: Select all

makeindex test.glo -s -t test.glg -o test.gls
This is makeindex, version 2.14 [02-Oct-2002] (kpathsea + Thai support).
Scanning style file ./ (27 attributes redefined, 0 ignored).
Scanning input file test.glo...done (0 entries accepted, 1 rejected).
Nothing written in test.gls.
Transcript written in test.glg.
The .glo file looks like this:

Code: Select all

(indexentry :tkey (("example" "\\glossaryentryfield{example}{\\glsnamefont{example}}{how it might be}{\\relax }") ) :locref "5" :attr "glsnumberformat" ) 
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Post by gmedina »

After compilation (in my TeX Live2009 system) of the following code:

Code: Select all



\newglossaryentry{example}{name=example,description={how it might be}}
this is a simple \gls{example}

I get the following information in the .glg file:

Code: Select all

This is makeindex, version 2.15 [TeX Live 2009] (kpathsea + Thai support).
Scanning style file ./ (27 attributes redefined, 0 ignored).
Scanning input file b.glo....done (1 entries accepted, 0 rejected).
Sorting entries...done (0 comparisons).
Generating output file b.gls....done (6 lines written, 0 warnings).
Output written in b.gls.
Transcript written in b.glg.
Comparing this with the info in your previous post, I see that you are using version 2.14 of MakeIndex; so your system is outdated and this might be causing the problem; I would suggest you to update your LaTeX system. Unfortunately, that's all I can say for the moment, but the author of the glossaries package reads this board, so perhaps she can give you some other hints.
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Re: no entries

Post by dave04 »

OMG this was it. I should have thought of this by myself :) Thank you very much!
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Post by nlct »

Glad it's now working, but just a quick note:
dave04 wrote: The .glo file looks like this:

Code: Select all

(indexentry :tkey (("example" "\\glossaryentryfield{example}{\\glsnamefont{example}}{how it might be}{\\relax }") ) :locref "5" :attr "glsnumberformat" ) 
This is xindy format not makeindex which explains why makeindex didn't like it. However, since you also have, I can only suppose you added in the xindy option after a run without it. If not, then it's something I need to investigate.

Nicola Talbot
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