OthersConTeXt oddities

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ConTeXt oddities

Post by filthypierre »

Hi, hoping someone can help me with these couple of oddities I notice when processing some ConText documents:

1. Bodymatter and appendix header logo doesn't get printed on the last page of the section.

Here are the relevant sections of the document:


% logo on page of frontmatter - this one seems to work for all pages of frontmatter
% logo on page of bodymatter - this one puts the logo in the header of all but the last page of bodymatter
\chapter{TSM Client Detail}
% logo on page of appendix - this one also puts the logo in the header of all but the last page of appendix

Weird. Originally, I was using TeXLive 2005 when I inherited the project... since then I have upgraded to TeXLive 2009 but no change in behaviour.

2. There is _always_ a blank page at the end of the document, no matter how many pages there are, an extra one gets printed, with header but minus logo in the header, as described in 1. above....

Any help much appreciated,



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Re: ConTeXt oddities

Post by josephwright »

The expertise is mainly in LaTeX. I'd suggest asking on the ConTeXt mailing list.
Joseph Wright
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