BibTeX, biblatex and biberRemove word "editor" from citation

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Remove word "editor" from citation

Post by snowfrog »


I'm using natbib, \bibliographystyle{apalike}
I have the following citation

Code: Select all

Author = {Brubacker, L.},
Title = {{Arctic tundra biodiversity: A temporal perspective from Late Quaternary pollen records}},
Editor={{Chapin III, F.S. and K\"{o}rner, C.H.}},
booktitle = {{Arctic and Alpine Biodiversity: Patterns, Causes and Ecosystem Consequences}},
Pages = {{151-164}},
which appears as
Brubacker, L. (1995). Arctic tundra biodiversity: A temporal perspective from Late Quaternary pollen records. In Chapin III, F.S. and Korner, C.H., editor, Arctic and Alpine Biodiversity: Patterns, Causes and Ecosystem Consequences, pages 151–164. Springer-Verlag.
I don't really want the words "editor" and "pages" to show in the reference and if anything, if I can't remove them it I'd like it at least to be "editors".

Does anybody know how I can sort this out? Thanks.

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Remove word "editor" from citation

Post by olofos »

apalike should write it as 'editors' if there is more than one name in the editor field. However, in your bibtex entry there is one level of brackets too many, so bibtex interprets the editor field as a single name. If you change it to

Code: Select all

Editor={Chapin {III}, F.S. and K{\"o}rner, C.H.}
it should come out correctly. (Also note that you have placed the brackets around the latex macro in the second name wrong. They should go around the full macro. Also note that it is probably a good idea to protect the numeral in the first name by wrapping it in brackets, so that it doesn't come out as "Chapin Iii".)
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