First of all, english isn't my native language so I'm not sure as to what these are called --- please let me know if you do

Thank you all!
Edit by localghost: No external links! Attachments go onto the forum server (see Board Rules).
A little bit late comes this solution. To me it seemed to be possible only now with reasonable effort. And the back-end is indeed pgf/tikZ. The quite new and excellent chemfig package is based on that and is used for the chemical structures.elmariachi wrote:[…] Is it possible to replicate this sort of diagram using latex? TikZ maybe? […]
Code: Select all
\node (pea) {%
}{\hspace{-2em} Phosphatidylethanolamine}
\node (nape) [node distance=4em and -9em,below right=of pea.south west] {%
\node (aa) [anchor=north east,node distance=4em and 0em,below left=of nape.south east] {%
}{\hspace{-8em} Anandamide}
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\fill[cyan!10] ($(pea.south west)+(-90pt,-5pt)$) rectangle ($(pea.north east)+(72pt,5pt)$);
\fill[gray!10] ($(nape.south west)+(0,-5pt)$) rectangle ($(nape.north east)+(0,5pt)$);
\fill[magenta!10] ($(aa.south west)+(-80pt,-5pt)$) rectangle ($(aa.north east)+(0,5pt)$);
\path[->,ultra thick] ($(pea.south)+(-9.15pt,0)$) edge node[right,midway] {$N$-acyltransferase} (nape.north)
(nape.south) edge node[right,midway] {Phospholipase D} ($(aa.north)+(-40.2pt,0)$);
Code: Select all
\reactant[,,fill=cyan!10,minimum width=.8\textwidth]{
\chemname{\chemfig{Alky|l--[6](-[4,,,2]Alky|l)-[6]-O-P(=[2]O)(-[6]O-[,.5,,,draw=none]{\scriptstyle\ominus})-O-[:-30]-[:30]-[:-30]NH_2}}{\bfseries Phosphatidylethanolamine}
\reactant[below,,fill=gray!10,minimum width=.8\textwidth]{
\arrow[below]{}{Phospholipase D}
\reactant[below,,fill=magenta!10,minimum width=.8\textwidth]{
\chemname{\chemfig{HO-[:-30]-[:30]-[:-30]\chembelow{N}{H}-[:30](=[2]O)-[:-30]-[:30]-[:-30]-[:30]=-[:-30]-[:30]=-[:-60]-[::-60]=[:180]-[::-30]-[::60]=[:180]-[::-30]-[::60]-[::-60]-[::60]-[6]}}{\bfseries Anandamide}