Requirements: My document is being typeset in Adobe Caslon Pro for the main body text, and a sans-serif for the captions. Fontsize commands are used throughout to re-define headers and so forth. One important re-definition is:
Code: Select all
\renewcommand{\normalsize}{\fontsize{11}{14}\fontspec{Adobe Caslon Pro}}
\renewcommand{\footnotesize}{\fontsize{11}{14}\fontspec{Optima Regular}}
I've used the otfinst program to generate the necessary files for using OpenType fonts without XeTeX. I tested it on MinionPro, and once the necessary files were generated, I simply used this:
Code: Select all
This is testing the Minion font
Code: Select all
\ProvidesPackage{minion}[2010/06/21 Minion Pro]
Code: Select all
\fontspec{Adobe Caslon Pro}
This is a different kind of text in my document