Fonts & Character Setsunicode-math not producing italics in math mode

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unicode-math not producing italics in math mode

Post by frabjous »

Firstly, let me say that I know the unicode-math package for xelatex is considered experimental. Also, I know it is intended primarily for TeXlive 2010 and later. However, I have installed it (along side the newer version of fontspec) with the version of TeXlive 2009 that comes with the Debian/Ubuntu packages, running on Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit.

For the most part, the package works well. (At the moment, I am using the STIX fonts, though I get the same behavior with Asana Math, Neo Euler, Iwona, DejaVu, etc.)

The one problem I am having is that even when I use math-style=TeX (which is supposed to give me italics in Latin and lowercase Greek variables by default), I don't get italics with any of those.

That is, the following MWE:

Code: Select all

 ⊨ ¬∃y∀x[x∈y ↔ x∉x]
1.png (3.18 KiB) Viewed 2930 times
A couple odd things here. Changing math-style=TeX to math-style=ISO, which is supposed to have the effect of making UpperCase Greek in math mode italicized as well, has the effect of italicizing lowercase Latin letters, while leaving the rest alone.

Another oddity is that I can achieve the desired effect if I explicitly specify an italic font, not for \mathit, but for \mathup, suggesting that \mathup is explicitly being used even with math-style=TeX. In other words:

Code: Select all

\setmathfont[range=\mathup/{latin,Latin}]{STIXGeneral Italic}
 ⊨ ¬∃y∀x[x∈y ↔ x∉x]
2.png (3.2 KiB) Viewed 2930 times
I am primarily wondering whether anyone else has experienced the same results, or knows of something obvious I might be overlooking, before I go ahead and submit a bug report of some kind.

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unicode-math not producing italics in math mode

Post by frabjous »

Just a self-update. I installed the testing version of TeXlive 2010 in a virtual machine (32-bit linux mint), and for that, things worked just fine as is, so the problem seems limited to TeXlive 2009.

However, when I tried to do the same on the 64-bit Ubuntu I usually use, the package always causes a segmentation fault, at least if activated for certain unicode blocks. I'm apparently not the only one having the problem, so hopefully they'll have it sorted by the time TeXlive 2010 is ready for full release. (For more on this problem, and an imperfect workaround I devised, look here.)
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