BibTeX, biblatex and biberharvard style: article title not showing

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harvard style: article title not showing

Post by sjn »

Hi all,

my first post on latex community.

I am using jphysicsB of the harvard package provided by the publisher and I am having trouble getting the title field to show up on my bibliography.

The following is what I have in my .bib file:

Code: Select all

   author = {Smith, John and Johnson, Adam},
   title = {Title of the article: myarticle1},
   journal = {Journal A},
   volume = {18},
   number = {6},
   pages = {1188-1198},
   note = {some note for my own reference },
   year = {2008}
but the reference shows up in my pdf like this:
Smith J & Johnson A 2008 Journal A 18(6), 1188–1198. some note for my own reference

For some reason the title disappears and the unwanted note field shows up. The title is not in my .bbl file either. This seems to be unique to the harvard style. I switched to another style e.g. ieetr and everything works fine.

How do I get rid of the note and display the title in harvard style?


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harvard style: article title not showing

Post by olofos »

The jphysicsB style does not print the title for articles. Use another style, or make a copy of jphysicsB.bst under a new name and change it to show the titles of articles.

The note field is used for any extra information that you want to appear in the bibliography. To add personal notes that you don't want to see in the bibliography, use some other field name such as 'comments' (at least I don't know of any style that make use of a comment field), or maybe even something more unique like 'sjn-comments'.
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Re: harvard style: article title not showing

Post by sjn »

Thanks olofos.
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