I'm running MiKTeX 2.8 on WinXP Pro SP3 and I'm trying to use a LEd template called PhD (long name: "Doctoral dissertation (English version) based on the memoir class") but am unable to get it to insert citations or a bibliography, even if I run LaTeX on it straight out of the box. The PDF displays a question mark where the citation should be, and the log always shows an error like the following:
I'm a total LaTeX newbie and this is my first post here, but here's my attempt at a MWE. Apologies in advance if I get it wrong. (I presume you'll need LEd's built-in template in order to test this.)Package natbib /b/c12/cWarning:/b/c0/c Citation `Led2004' on page 5 undefined on input line 7
1) Here's the main file (test.tex):
Code: Select all
Code, edit and compile here:
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper, makeidx]{memoir}\input{style.tex}\begin{document}Some nonsense~\cite{Led2004}\bibliographystyle{plain}\bibliography{biblio}\end{document}
Code: Select all
@BOOK{Led2004,AUTHOR = "S. Deorowicz and A. Sk\'orczy\'nski",TITLE = "LEd documentation",PUBLISHER = "Oxford",YEAR = "2004",VOLUME = "",SERIES = "",ADDRESS = "",EDITION = "",MONTH = "",NOTE = ""}
Any advice much appreciated, as this is driving me nuts
