BibTeX, biblatex and biberMemoir class failing to read bibliography

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Memoir class failing to read bibliography

Post by doonyakka »


I'm running MiKTeX 2.8 on WinXP Pro SP3 and I'm trying to use a LEd template called PhD (long name: "Doctoral dissertation (English version) based on the memoir class") but am unable to get it to insert citations or a bibliography, even if I run LaTeX on it straight out of the box. The PDF displays a question mark where the citation should be, and the log always shows an error like the following:
Package natbib /b/c12/cWarning:/b/c0/c Citation `Led2004' on page 5 undefined on input line 7
I'm a total LaTeX newbie and this is my first post here, but here's my attempt at a MWE. Apologies in advance if I get it wrong. (I presume you'll need LEd's built-in template in order to test this.)

1) Here's the main file (test.tex):

Code: Select all

Code, edit and compile here:
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper, makeidx]{memoir}
Some nonsense~\cite{Led2004}
2) And here's the bibliography (biblio.bib):

Code: Select all

AUTHOR = "S. Deorowicz and A. Sk\'orczy\'nski",
TITLE = "LEd documentation",
PUBLISHER = "Oxford",
YEAR = "2004",
VOLUME = "",
SERIES = "",
MONTH = "",
NOTE = ""
Is anyone else getting the same errors? Is it just a buggy class?

Any advice much appreciated, as this is driving me nuts ;)

Last edited by doonyakka on Sun May 30, 2010 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Memoir class failing to read bibliography

Post by josephwright »

You need to run LaTeX, then BibTeX, then LaTeX and finally LaTeX again.
Joseph Wright
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Re: Memoir class failing to read bibliography

Post by doonyakka »

Thanks for the reply and solution. The bibliography and citations come out correctly now, but does that mean that there's no way to compile LaTeX files from within LEd?
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Re: Memoir class failing to read bibliography

Post by localghost »

Of course it should. I assume there will be according settings within this editor which configure the output. Or there may be separate buttons to activate the compiler and BibTeX. The help function should have the details.

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Re: Memoir class failing to read bibliography

Post by doonyakka »

Thank you for the tip, localghost. Although I can't see a button specifically to run BibTex in LEd, it's easy enough to script proper compilation.

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