BibTeX, biblatex and biber2 bibliographies

Information and discussion about BiBTeX - the bibliography tool for LaTeX documents.
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2 bibliographies

Post by hans »


I'm trying to get 2 biblios in my thesis... I use multibib package and use the same database for the 2 biblios...

1 biblio is used for an extended abstract and then the general biblio at the end of my work.

Here is my code:

Code: Select all

%zorgen voor twee bibs(1 voor paper en 1 voor thesis)
%Voor paper
%algemene vorm thesis




\input{paper}     % INPUT OF extended abstract






In next part of code I just show the troublesome part(i.e. the \input{paper} part where my small bibliography is in...

Code: Select all




I get no real error on code but just the Bibtex gives an error like:

Multiple inclusion of entire database... It also just refers to .aux file for the whole bibliography at the end. The .aux file for the small bibliography isn't mentioned nowhere...

Thx in advance,


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2 bibliographies

Post by olofos »

I think you want to have

Code: Select all

in the second part.

However, I don't think it's a good idea to use the same bibliography for both sections if any references will occur in both, since the label will appear twice. Any such citation will point to just one of these references.

My version of multibi (1.4 which seems to be the latest one on CTAN) doesn't define the stared version of \bibliographysec. What does that do?
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:40 am

2 bibliographies

Post by hans »

Yeah indeed must be \nocitesec{*}...
I had to erase that * after \bibliographysec too... Now I have it more or less working...

What I actually want to achieve is that paper in the beginning of my thesis(its like an extended abstract, resuming all the following). Because of that that paper uses the same references as the once in my main document.

So 2 questions:

1) How do I make sure that the numbering of the second biblio doesn't start where the numbering of the first one stops??

2) How do I get a command like \bibliographysec* --> I want this, 'cause that bibliography can't show up in my ToC...

Here is the code for a 'working' 2 biblios thesis:

Code: Select all

%zorgen voor twee bibs(1 voor paper en 1 voor thesis)


\input{paper} % The paper with the second biblio



And here the code for the biblio in the paper

Code: Select all

\bibliographypaper{ThesisBib}  % Here I would like to make it with a * in the end
The biblio of the paper should be 'starred' so it doesnt appear in my ToC but multibib doesnt allow me to do it...
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