- File->New
- Type "a<enter>b<enter>c<enter>d"
- Move the caret to sit immediately after the "b".
- Document now looks like this:
Code: Select all
a b c d
- Insert->Floating Environments->Table
- Document now looks like this:
Code: Select all
a b \begin{table} \end{table} c d
- Edit->Undo
- Document now looks like this:
Code: Select all
a bc d
- (I was expecting it to look like the first example again.)
- Edit->Undo
- TeXnicCenter crashes
General ⇒ Document corruption and crashes when using undo.
Document corruption and crashes when using undo.
During some initial exploration of TeXnicCenter, I found that it is corrupting my document when I do "Insert->Floating environment->Table", accept the default settings in the dialog box, then choose undo. The document is returned to a state that does not correspond to what it was like before the insertion, and further undoing seems to have unpredictable behaviour, either modifying the document in strange ways or simply crashing. I'm using TeXnicCenter 1 Beta 7.01, on Windows XP. Here's what I do: