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rss support

Post by viettug »

Dear webmaster,

Could you please support rss feed for this forum? the forum is very nice and useful. but it takes me so much time to navigate....

Having rss feed will help me follow forum's activities more effectly..

Thank you for consideration.


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rss support

Post by Sven »

That's a quite good idea, but I'm bound to the features provided by the forum software LaTeX-Community is based on which is phpBB. My first task is to update to the final release of phpBB 3.0.0 from the release candidate used since last Sunday. When this is done, I will try to provide RSS feeds.
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rss support

Post by -Robin- »

Could you then at least try to add RSS support for the News-section of the new site.
And related to this question: I noticed every post in the news section has a tag (for example LaTeX, LaTeX Editors, ... ). Is there any way to
-filter these posts to for example have a page with only the news items related to LaTeX Editors
-see an archive of these posts. Now they all still fit on one page, but at the current rate posts will start to drop of that page (or the page will become very long)
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rss support

Post by Sven »

The News page already has a RSS Feed. A modern browser will show you this when you explicitly open the News page (the "News" link from the menu). For example in the Firefox' address bar a RSS icon will appear.

I will provide an explicit RSS link in the next days. Until then, if the browser solution does not work for you, use the following link, but be aware of that this might also change in the following days: ... d&type=rss

Filtering by category is not available at the moment, but I may provide this feature in the future.

I also will go on looking for a RSS solution for this forum.

That is all a lot of work to do, so please give me some time ;)


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