Page LayoutImages in section titles

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Images in section titles

Post by Lucia »

Hello, everybody.

I need your help. I'm creating a book with several chapters and sections. In each section title, I would like to have an image, something I already achieved (based on this topic: ... in+section and in "The LaTeX Companion"). However, I would like to add something more to the section.

Each section refers to a city in Portugal and I created a divider to use throughout each section, to separate subjects related to the city (for example, "sports", "nature", "buildings", "local administration"...). What I would like to do is to use that same divider, at a larger size, just below the section name. I would like to center horizontally both the divider and the section name and also, if possible, center them vertically with the image. Is it possible to do? Could someone point me to some article, where I can gather more information about this?

I hope I made myself clear. I attach my MWE, the resulting pdf and the two images I'm using.

Thank you so much for your time!
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