Im trying to build my first beam presentation in LaTeX. I just copied an example but when i'm trying to build it up. the next log error is shown:
The code I used is the following:pdflatex.exe: GUI framework cannot be initialized
I couldn't opne the file name 'C:\[...]\example.aux'
Couldn't find input index file 'C:\[...]\example' nor 'C:\[...]\example.idx'
Usage: C:\program files\miktex 2.8\miktex\bin\makeindex.exe [-ilqrcgLT] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...]
LaTeX-Result: 0 error, 0 warning. 0 bad boxes.
Code: Select all
\title{Factorizaci¶on en $Z_p[x]$ y en $Z[x].$\\}
\subtitle{Parte I}
\author{{\large Walter Mora F.}\\
\date{Junio 2007}
\begin{frame}{T¶³tulo de este marco}
I appreciate your help. Thanks