BibTeX, biblatex and biberCan't generate citations and references

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Can't generate citations and references

Post by new_to_tex »

Hi All,

I used a pre-defined template. Problem is that I can't generate the citation and references, no matter how I've tried.

This is the code I used, the citation is at the last line:

Code: Select all



{- \baselineskip}%






\title{Filename ABC}

\abstract{This is the abstract.}


This is the intro.

This is the concept.

This is the conclusion.

This is the citation \cite{Fredsoe1997}



I used Jabref & Texmaker. The key Fredsoe1997 is generated by Jabref. File Biblio.bib is in the current folder.

The error is "Citation Fredsoe1997 is undefined".

Could anybody help? Many thanks in advance.
My bib file, pls change the file extension to bib
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Last edited by new_to_tex on Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Can't generate citations and references

Post by frabjous »

Could you upload Biblio.bib (or copy and paste into a code box) here too? Make sure the filenames match in case (biblio.bib is not the same as Biblio.bib)

Keep in mind that you'll get that warning the first two compilations even when all is going well. You need to run (pdf)latex, then bibtex, then (pdf)latex two more times to make the warning go away and make sure everything shows correctly.

It's also a little weird that you're using plainnat without the natbib package, though I don't think that's the cause of your problem.
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Re: Can't generate citations and references

Post by new_to_tex »

Thank frabjous.

I edited the first post, changed the code which I have to really work on and attached the Bib file.

I found that the code I've typed previously works well.

Actually my problem occurs when I have to follow the template that I just changed in the first post.

I did follow latex-bibtex-latex(2), but still the same error. :(
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Can't generate citations and references

Post by frabjous »

Your old code was close to what we call a "Minimal Working example."

Your new code is not close to a minimal working example. It also makes use of a document class, and packages that are not on CTAN. There is therefore no way for others to test the code and see what's wrong with it. Please work at removing as much of the code as you can while preserving the error. If you need to leave in any classes or packages not available on CTAN, please make that clear, and if possible, provide links to where they can be obtained.

See this topic for more information.
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Re: Can't generate citations and references

Post by new_to_tex »

Ok, thanks.

I will try by step-by-step removing code lines, to see from what the problem arises.
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Can't generate citations and references

Post by hanshdk »


I tried your bibliographyfile with the following code:

This is the citation \cite{Fredsoe1997}

It works perfectly fine...
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