Hello, I couldn't find a "not proportional to symbol" .. I just want \propto but with a line through it.
I haven't figured out how to use MetaFont to create my own symbols yet, so if the character already exists I'd be eager to know!
Math & Science ⇒ Symbol for »not proportional to«
Symbol for »not proportional to«
perhaps something like this?
perhaps something like this?
Code: Select all
Symbol for »not proportional to«
This was the best I could do, but it still doesn't look so nice:
If anyone has a better solution, I'd be eager to learn it!
Code: Select all
\newcommand{\notprop}{\propto\kern-1\@ptsize pt \diagup}
Re: Symbol for »not proportional to«
\not\propto might produce an acceptable result.
Re: Symbol for »not proportional to«
Oh thanks gmedina! I didn't see your post before I posted again.
That's neat, I didn't know about \cancel,
I think I like the solution that I posted afterwards a little bit more because not as much of the \propto gets hidden, but I would still either like to have the \propto a little bit bigger so that the top arm doesn't get covered by the slash, or I would like to have the slight pointing at less of an angle with respect to the vertical... maybe I'm asking for too much.
That's neat, I didn't know about \cancel,
I think I like the solution that I posted afterwards a little bit more because not as much of the \propto gets hidden, but I would still either like to have the \propto a little bit bigger so that the top arm doesn't get covered by the slash, or I would like to have the slight pointing at less of an angle with respect to the vertical... maybe I'm asking for too much.
Re: Symbol for »not proportional to«
\not\propto is a lot nicer, thanks phi and gmedina!