I use pdflatex with the hyperref package. The bookmarks that it creates by default are great, which include chapters and sections. Is there an easy way to get a bookmark to each table in the bookmarks section? I use \listoftables, and would love to have a \listoftables in the actual bookmarks.
I know of the tocbibind package, which lets me add an entry to the bookmarks that literally says "List of Tables", and when clicked, will take me to the "list of tables" in the PDF document, where I can then click to go to the table I want, but that's not quite what I'm after.
I want the bookmarks to have a clickable link to "Table 1.1", "Table 1.2", etc.
It looked like I could hack something together possibly using the bookmark package, just wondering how others have dealt with this.
General ⇒ including full list of tables in the bookmarks of PDF
including full list of tables in the bookmarks of PDF
try this hack:
try this hack:
Code: Select all