GeneralClosing PDFXCview before compiling a document

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Closing PDFXCview before compiling a document

Post by Flominator »

Hi there,

I'm using TeXnicCenter 1.Beta701 and PDF-X-Change-Viewer. I'm trying to make TeXnicCenter close the active PDFXCView document before compiling the document. I have a .bat-File to close it, but TeXnicCenter tries to open it in PDFXCView instead of running it at the command line. I tried both of the following commands:

Code: Select all

taskkill /F /IM PDFXCview.exe 

Code: Select all

It won't work. What do I do wrong?

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Closing PDFXCview before compiling a document

Post by Flominator »

Inspired by this posting I gave it another try with the following batch file kill_exchv.bat:

Code: Select all

IF [%1]==[] (taskkill /F /IM PDFXCview.exe)  ELSE ("C:\Programme\PDF-XChange Viewer\pdf-viewer\PDFXCview.exe" %1)
In TeXnicCenter I added "C:\Programme\PDF-XChange Viewer\pdf-viewer\kill_exchv.bat" (with ") as path to the viewer application, "%bm.pdf" in the first field and nothing in the last field ... and it worked!
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