LyXMakros for text

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Makros for text

Post by gandi »

Is it possible to define makros for text (rather than for math mode) together with formatting? I'm thinking of things like "et al." (in italics) or formulae of chemical compounds which are tedious to write.

Of course one could use MathMacros and \textrm, but that looks like a dodgy workaround to me. Using ERT isn't very satisfying either.

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Makros for text

Post by ihiribar »

you could do something like

Code: Select all

\newcommand{\etal}{\textit{et al.}}
Santa \etal have written an article
and Claus \etal made the pictures
the command \etal will simply be substituted with the text between {...} everytime it is used
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Makros for text

Post by phi »

ihiribar wrote:you could do something like

Code: Select all

\newcommand{\etal}{\textit{et al.}}
Santa \etal have written an article
and Claus \etal made the pictures
This will gobble the space after the command name. You have to use "\etal\ " or the xspace package.
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Re: Makros for text

Post by gandi »

Thanks, ihiribar, but that still only works with ERT. I was looking for something a bit more "LyX-style", where you can actually see in LyX what it's finally going to look like, rather than the LaTeX macro.
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