GeneralSeparate references from bibliography

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Separate references from bibliography

Post by tdcpina »

Hi guys,

I want to separate References (articles, web references, thesis, etc) from Bibliography (just books). Have someone any idea how to do that using the class report?

I want also eliminating the number of the chapter in Introduction and in Conclusion in order to have just the label Introduction on the top, and Chapter 1 effectively in the first chapter after introduction.

Thank you in advance,

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Separate references from bibliography

Post by meho_r »

In the attachment you can find simple but complete example how to achieve what you want. To summarize:

0. For unnumbered entries in TOC, you may use starred sectioning command (e.g.
\chapter*{Introduction}) with \addcontentsline{toc}{<sectioning_level>}{<Title_in_TOC>} (e.g. \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Introduction})

1. Use bibtex for managing references/bibliography. Use bibliography style which suites your needs (take a look here) Create two .bib files, one containing articles and other references, and one containing books. Put them at the same place at which is your main .tex file located.

2. Use package bibtopic to separate different types of references.

3. To compile the document (e.g. Test.tex from the attachment), you must run following sequence of commands:

Code: Select all

latex Test
bibtex Test1
bibtex Test2
latex Test
latex Test
Contains 3 files: Test.tex, Articles.bib and Books.bib
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Joined: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:22 pm

Re: Separate references from bibliography

Post by tdcpina »

Many thanks! It works perfectly.

Best regards,
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