so that the theorems come out like Theorem 15.2 (15th page, 2nd item), the numbering has a tendency to commonly overspill to the next page. For example, the first item on page 15 is usually Theorem 14.6. It's really only a problem with spilling over to the topmost item on a page. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix/minimize this?
2) Does anyone know how to make it so using \ref{theoremlabel} gives not only the number, but the type as well? For instance, "Corollary 9.2" instead of just "9.2".
the first problem comes from the asynchronous mechanism that LaTeX uses to build the document pages. I'll think about this.
lalop wrote:...2) Does anyone know how to make it so using \ref{theoremlabel} gives not only the number, but the type as well? For instance, "Corollary 9.2" instead of just "9.2"...
that has nothing to do with ntheorem, you cannot add a tag (which would override an equation number) inside an environment that does not provide equation numbers.