Text Formattingshortlst with beamer

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shortlst with beamer

Post by ptoche »

I've been trying to get enumerate to list on multiple columns. I came across the shortlst package, which is designed to do just that. However, while I was able to use shortenumerate and shortitemize succesfully within the article class, I couldn't get it to work with the beamer class. Any suggestion?


Below is the code I have used to generate multiple-column itemize and enumerate lists within the article environment:

Code: Select all



\item Fama, Eugene F.
\item Barro, Robert J.
\item Heckman, James J.
\item Stiglitz, Joseph E.
\item White, Halbert
\item Engle, Robert F.
\item Jensen, Michael C.
\item Lucas, Robert E., Jr.
\item Johansen, Soren
\item Hausman, Jerry A.
\item Granger, Clive W. J.
\item Ross, Stephen A.
\item Feldstein, Martin
\item Krugman, Paul R.
\item Becker, Gary S.
\item Hansen, Lars Peter
\item Phillips, Peter C. B.
\item Kahneman, Daniel
\item Grossman, Sanford J.
\item Williamson, Oliver E.
\item Romer, Paul M.
\item Milgrom, Paul
\item Dixit, Avinash
\item Summers, Lawrence H.
\item Holmstrom, Bengt
\item Peltzman, Sam
\item Hart, Oliver
\item Roll, Richard
\item Tversky, Amos
\item Sargent, Thomas J.
\item Sims, Christopher A.
\item Hall, Robert E.
\item Dornbusch, Rudiger
\item Freeman, Richard B.
\item Schwert, G. William
\item Fischer, Stanley
\item Shiller, Robert J.
\item Kreps, David M.
\item Blanchard, Olivier Jean
\item Fuller, Wayne A.
\item Cleveland, William S.
\item Mankiw, N. Gregory
\item Dickey, David A.
\item Bollerslev, Tim
\item Prescott, Edward C.
\item Lazear, Edward P.
\item Tirole, Jean
\item Sen, Amartya
\item Shapiro, Carl
\item Rubinstein, Ariel


And here the same within the beamer class:

Code: Select all




\item Fama, Eugene F.
\item Barro, Robert J.
\item Heckman, James J.
\item Stiglitz, Joseph E.
\item White, Halbert
\item Engle, Robert F.
\item Jensen, Michael C.
\item Lucas, Robert E., Jr.
\item Johansen, Soren
\item Hausman, Jerry A.
\item Granger, Clive W. J.
\item Ross, Stephen A.
\item Feldstein, Martin
\item Krugman, Paul R.
\item Becker, Gary S.
\item Hansen, Lars Peter
\item Phillips, Peter C. B.
\item Kahneman, Daniel
\item Grossman, Sanford J.
\item Williamson, Oliver E.
\item Romer, Paul M.
\item Milgrom, Paul
\item Dixit, Avinash
\item Summers, Lawrence H.
\item Holmstrom, Bengt
\item Peltzman, Sam
\item Hart, Oliver
\item Roll, Richard
\item Tversky, Amos
\item Sargent, Thomas J.
\item Sims, Christopher A.
\item Hall, Robert E.
\item Dornbusch, Rudiger
\item Freeman, Richard B.
\item Schwert, G. William
\item Fischer, Stanley
\item Shiller, Robert J.
\item Kreps, David M.
\item Blanchard, Olivier Jean
\item Fuller, Wayne A.
\item Cleveland, William S.
\item Mankiw, N. Gregory
\item Dickey, David A.
\item Bollerslev, Tim
\item Prescott, Edward C.
\item Lazear, Edward P.
\item Tirole, Jean
\item Sen, Amartya
\item Shapiro, Carl
\item Rubinstein, Ariel



I did try this, but didn't seem to help:

Code: Select all


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