GeneralDVIOut cannot open DVI files when started by TeXnic-Center

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DVIOut cannot open DVI files when started by TeXnic-Center

Post by wieselflink »

Hello out there!
I am new to TeX and just starting to get things running.
When working with TeXnic-Center and compiling a project with Strg+F7 (using the LaTeX-->DVI profile), everything works fine. The DVI-file is written. When I start the DVIOUT viewer outside TeXnicCenter, the file can be opened without a problem.
When I try to open it by using F5 or the button "Ausgabe betrachten" to view the file, DVIOUT just gives me an error-message that the DVI-file could not be opened.

Can anyone tell me how to configure the viewer options to get this fxed?
In the viewer options of the output profile the following command-lines have automatically been added during installation:
"Projektausgabe betrachten" (Preview output?) - Kommandozeile: -1 "%bm.dvi"
"Suche in Ausgabe" (search in output) - Kommandozeile: -1 -s %l"%Wc" "%bm.dvi"
"Vor Compilierung Ausgabe schließen" (before compiling close preview) - Nicht schließen (don't close)


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DVIOut cannot open DVI files when started by TeXnic-Center

Post by npap »

I have the same problem: I installed TexLive 2013 (which has dviout 3.18.4 as the default dvi viewer) after I installed TeXnicCenter 2.02 Stable (64 Bit).

Then I compile one of my old files but when I try to open it from TXC, it opens dviout and I get the message "Cannot open dvi file". If I try to open the file from dviout, it opens correctly.

I believe that the problem is at the configuration of the dvi viewer:
View project's output: -1 "%bm.dvi"

Any suggestion/idea?
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