GeneralTeXnicCenter bookmarks

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TeXnicCenter bookmarks

Post by Cupric »

I'm using TeXnicCenter to write up my PhD thesis. I have quite a lot of sections that need a bit of work and I wanted some way of keeping track of them so I don't forget anything. I was wondering if the bookmarks feature could help me with this.

Is there a way to view a list of all the bookmarks you have added? Also, is the number of bookmarks limited to 10 or is that just the enumerated bookmarks.

Or is there another feature I could use instead? I'd like to be able to view a mini to-do list of sorts.


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Re: TeXnicCenter bookmarks

Post by MartinC »

Not exactly what you're looking for but there is a Latex package called "FixMe" that lets you put notes at places that need to be fixed. You could also place numbered comments and then search for them.
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