Generalcaptionsetup with subfigure (not subfig) package

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captionsetup with subfigure (not subfig) package

Post by Reset »

I am using the beamer document class which does not support the new subfig package.

Now I want to change the label properties of a subfigure, which does not work.

Code: Select all




		\subfigure[subfigure 1]{\includegraphics[width=.45\textwidth]{stm.png}}
		\subfigure[subfigure 2]{\includegraphics[width=.45\textwidth]{stm.png}}


I have tried to use something like

Code: Select all

and tried everything i could found in caption package manual (like subfloat, figure, subfig,...) without success.

This is urgent, if someone could help...

thx a lot
stm.png (38.5 KiB) Viewed 10332 times
Last edited by Reset on Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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captionsetup with subfigure (not subfig) package

Post by sommerfee »

Reset wrote: Now I want to change the label properties of a subfigure, which does not work.

The \captionsetup interface is only supported by the subfig package, not by the subfigure package, which has its own options and commands for setting up its sub-captions. (Nearly) Everything which can be found in the caption manual is totally irrelevant for the sub-captions when the subfigure package is used, since the subfigure package has its very own code for typesetting its sub-captions. (This is in contrast to the subfig package which uses the code of the caption package for typesetting its sub-captions.) When you setup your car for your girlfriend (height of seat etc.) this has no effect when your girlfriend is actually using a different car!

So you have to take a look at the subfigure documentation for finding the right options and commands you need.

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Re: captionsetup with subfigure (not subfig) package does not w

Post by Reset »

great, that was easy ! you know that with the trees and forest...

thought it must the captionsetup, cause the subfig use it....

thanks a lot
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