OthersVerbosus.com - Browser based LaTeX editor

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Verbosus.com - Browser based LaTeX editor

Post by jason_barrington »

Hi everyone,

Verbosus.com allows you to create and manage your LaTeX projects online and create .pdf documents directly in your browser. I created this project because other online (LaTeX) editors lack somehow the usability and are sometimes difficult to use. Besides, in my opinion, LaTeX is pretty convenient to use for scientific documents.

Some features include:
  • Syntax highlighting.
  • Create and manage LaTeX files online.
  • Preview and save documents as PDF.
  • Toolbar options: add image, table, itemize, description, footnote and cite.
  • Includes LaTeX creation output log where you can quickly look to find the error in your latex-code.
I hope you like and try it.

Best wishes,
Last edited by jason_barrington on Tue Mar 02, 2010 2:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Recommended reading 2024:

LaTeXguide.org • LaTeX-Cookbook.net • TikZ.org
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Verbosus.com - Browser based LaTeX editor

Post by localghost »

Seems not to be very useful because of its limitations.
Verbosus.com wrote: This service is free to use for 'small projects' (i.e. max. 4 resources can be used).
Furthermore I see no sense in registering for such a service. And I would never compile and manage documents with confidential contents in such a web application.

Best regards
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Verbosus.com - Browser based LaTeX editor

Post by frabjous »

localghost wrote:Seems not to be very useful because of its limitations.
Verbosus.com wrote: This service is free to use for 'small projects' (i.e. max. 4 resources can be used).
Furthermore I see no sense in registering for such a service. And I would never compile and manage documents with confidential contents in such a web application.
I was a bit confused by what it meant by "4 resources"--does that mean only 4 user-generated files (e.g., one main tex doc, one bib file, and two child tex documents), or that does that mean only 4 packages? If the latter, then I can see no use for it at all.

If the former, then I suppose it might be mildly useful on a netbook, especially one without local storage (e.g., if running ChromeOS or something).

The website also doesn't make it clear what TeX system it's running, and how comprehensive it is. (Does it have all CTAN packages installed? How frequently is it updated?)
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Verbosus.com - Browser based LaTeX editor

Post by jason_barrington »

I was a bit confused by what it meant by "4 resources"--does that mean only 4 user-generated files (e.g., one main tex doc, one bib file, and two child tex documents), or that does that mean only 4 packages? If the latter, then I can see no use for it at all. If the former, then I suppose it might be mildly useful on a netbook, especially one without local storage (e.g., if running ChromeOS or something).
It is the former. That means you can create 4 projects with 4 .tex documents/ 4 images/ 4 self-created-latex-packages/ 4 etc. each. The latter yould not really make much sense.
The website also doesn't make it clear what TeX system it's running, and how comprehensive it is. (Does it have all CTAN packages installed? How frequently is it updated?)
It uses the full version (all packages) of the tex-live distribution but you're right, I will make some improvements here to explain it to the user a bit more.

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Verbosus.com - Browser based LaTeX editor

Post by frabjous »

jason_barrington wrote:It is the former. That means you can create 4 projects with 4 .tex documents/ 4 images/ 4 self-created-latex-packages/ 4 etc. each. The latter yould not really make much sense.
Wait, what? My project can contain 4 tex documents and 4 images and 4 custom packages -- isn't that 12 resources? The way it's worded is very misleading. Shouldn't it be "four resources of any given type", or something like that?

But I'm also limited to four projects? That's not clear at all on the website, and if true, makes the thing completely pointless. I'd have used it all up by the end of the first day.
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Re: Verbosus.com - Browser based LaTeX editor

Post by jason_barrington »

Update: Verbosus.com now supports syntax highlighting
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Re: Verbosus.com - Browser based LaTeX editor

Post by jason_barrington »

Update: Verbosus.com now supports HTTPS (increased security)
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Re: Verbosus.com - Browser based LaTeX editor

Post by jason_barrington »

Update: Verbosus.com now supports code completion
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