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\title{Projekt 1}
In this Paper I will try do examine the various methods in defining the number pi. I will start by giving a history background of the development in the antique Greek society especially focusing on what kind of relationship there was between the society and the field of mathematics. I will then go through the Greek mathematical culture and understanding of the letter as well as looking a bit further at the great scientist Archimedes, who was one of the first men in the old Greece to take an insight look into the most mysterious never-ending number of pi. Before dwelling into the definition of pi and Archimedes, I will try to examine the calculus in Greek math with the focus on commensurable and incommensurable groups. So in short I will be going through out time, to find out and solve the number pi. I will also involve some of the other mathematicians who were key figures in the development of the letter itself. \newline
The conclusion that has been drawn in this assignment is that there are many methods which can be used to approximate pi, all of them are effective in their very own way, but one thing is certain; all of them are very time-consuming.
\section{Samfundsmæssige udvikling i det antikke Grækenland i forbindelse med matematik}
\subsection{Matematik i det antikke Grækenland}
Meget af det matematik vi kender stammer oprindelig fra det antikke Grækenland. En af det største og måske første matematiker i Grækenland var Thales fra Milet. En af de kendte historier som er nedskrevet af om Thales, er at han ved hjælp af nogle matematiske beregninger kunne fastslå og forudsige en solformørkelse i år 585 f.kr. De vigtige grundlæggende betegnelser i matematik, såsom at diameteren som deler en cirkel i to og alle vinkler i en ligesidet trekant har samme længde, menes at være Thales’ opdagelser.
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