MiKTeX and proTeXtCompiling error

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Compiling error

Post by cac100684 »

So I am getting an error and I can't find any documentation to help.
The error is:
pdflatex.exe: Not enough room in an internal buffer
Does anyone know what is going on and how to fix it?

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Re: Compiling error

Post by cac100684 »

Nevermind I got it to work!
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Re: Compiling error

Post by localghost »

We are all interested in the solution. So, please be so kind and post it here.
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Re: Compiling error

Post by niells »

"pdflatex.exe: Not enough room in an internal buffer"

For anyone searching for information on this error, in my case it was due to long path names used by \graphicspath{../../folder1/folder2/etc} or \input{../../folder1/folder2/etc} with MiKTeX 2.9 in Windows XP.

Shortening the path names, the name of a folder in the path in particular, eliminated the problem.
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Re: Compiling error

Post by localghost »

Thanks for sharing the solution.

Best regards and welcome to the board
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Compiling error

Post by gcox »

Hello all...
I'm having problem with my beamer presentation related to this post but with different symptoms...when i use this frame i get same error as previously posted...

(pdflatex.EXE: Not enough room in an internal buffer.
texify: pdflatex failed for some reason (see log file).)

Code: Select all

  \frametitle{Rezultati testiranja algoritma}
  \framesubtitle{Testovi vremenskog izvrsavanja}
xlabel=\tiny $|A|$,
ylabel=\tiny Vrijeme izvrsavanja (u sekundama),
	legend style={
		legend pos=outer north east,
\addplot table[x=l,y=GG] {
l		GG	KK	KKI	\\
4		0.0003	0.0011	0.0011	\\
8		0.0007	0.0026	0.0027	\\
16		0.002	0.0062	0.0063	\\
32		0.006	0.0153	0.0154	\\
64		0.013	0.03	0.0288	\\
128		0.031	0.066	0.059	\\
256		0.066	0.135	0.115	\\
512		0.142	0.2865	0.229	\\
1024		0.310	0.5959	0.462	\\
2048		0.664	1.2566	0.930	\\
4096		1.351	2.5604	1.8544	\\
8192		2.603	5.0661	3.6727	\\
16384		4.787	9.6138	7.2512	\\
32768		9.228	19.038	14.703	\\
65536		19.211	39.830	30.1845	\\
\addlegendentry{\tiny Greedy algoritam}
\addplot table[x=l,y=KK] {
l		GG	KK	KKI	\\
4		0.0003	0.0011	0.0011	\\
8		0.0007	0.0026	0.0027	\\
16		0.002	0.0062	0.0063	\\
32		0.006	0.0153	0.0154	\\
64		0.013	0.03	0.0288	\\
128		0.031	0.066	0.059	\\
256		0.066	0.135	0.115	\\
512		0.142	0.2865	0.229	\\
1024		0.310	0.5959	0.462	\\
2048		0.664	1.2566	0.930	\\
4096		1.351	2.5604	1.8544	\\
8192		2.603	5.0661	3.6727	\\
16384		4.787	9.6138	7.2512	\\
32768		9.228	19.038	14.703	\\
65536		19.211	39.830	30.1845	\\
\addlegendentry{\tiny KK algoritam}
\addplot table[x=l,y=KKI] {
l		GG	KK	KKI	\\
4		0.0003	0.0011	0.0011	\\
8		0.0007	0.0026	0.0027	\\
16		0.002	0.0062	0.0063	\\
32		0.006	0.0153	0.0154	\\
64		0.013	0.03	0.0288	\\
128		0.031	0.066	0.059	\\
256		0.066	0.135	0.115	\\
512		0.142	0.2865	0.229	\\
1024		0.310	0.5959	0.462	\\
2048		0.664	1.2566	0.930	\\
4096		1.351	2.5604	1.8544	\\
8192		2.603	5.0661	3.6727	\\
16384		4.787	9.6138	7.2512	\\
32768		9.228	19.038	14.703	\\
65536		19.211	39.830	30.1845	\\
\addlegendentry{\tiny Naš algoritam}
I would be grateful for your help...
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Compiling error

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi gcox,

welcome to the board!

It would be good, if you would post a complete Infominimal working example, which can be tested. It's possible that the problem isn't caused by that frame, but together with your preamble settings. I tested the frame, besides a pgflots error regarding the table data it works. So I recommend you extend the frame to a complete small beamer document, with your settings, but omit irrelevant settings or packages. Reduce to a small example, test that it still produces the error.

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