BibTeX, biblatex and biber ⇒ How to use multibib...?
How to use multibib...?
Could anyone please describe to me how to use multibib. I have read the documentation, however it leaves me with some unanswered questions.
The additional bibliography does not show - I get the warnings:
Package natbib Warning: Citation 'reference' on page xx undefined
I am using documentclass{report}
The additional bibliography does not show - I get the warnings:
Package natbib Warning: Citation 'reference' on page xx undefined
I am using documentclass{report}
- localghost
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How to use multibib...?
Build a minimal working example (MWE) that shows your recent efforts. Nevertheless the multibib manual clearly shows what to do (Section 2 - Example, p. 4). It couldn't be explained any better by someone else. Translate this to your document.
Best regards
Best regards
How to make a "Minimal Example"
Board Rules
Avoidable Mistakes[/size]
¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
Board Rules
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
How to use multibib...?
I have made this as compact as possible. You should be able to see what I am doing wrong - have tried one more time to follow the example, but get the same warning and no additional bibliography.
Main file:
litteratur.bib :
Main file:
Code: Select all
\part{First part with bib.}
\chapter{Header I}
Some random text for part I. According to \citedk{1}
\part{Second part with bib.}
\chapter{Header II}
Some random text for part II. \cite{Galbraith}
Code: Select all
author={A. Haufe and D. Lorenz and K. Roll and P. Bogon},
title={Concepts to take elastic {Tool} {Deformations} in {Sheet} {Metal} {Forming} into account},
journal = {10$^{th}$ International LS-DYNA$^{\text{\textregistered}}$\ Users Conference},
note = {Metal Forming(1)},
author="Chris Galbraith",
title ="{Sheet Metal Forming Simulation Using {LS-DYNA}}",
organization ="\\Metal Forming Analysis Corporation",
year ="2001",
note ="Course notes",}
How to use multibib...?
in a .bib file you cannot use math mode commands (such as "$" and "^"). Change your bib database to
Delete all the .bbl auxiliar files previously generated and compile your document again as indicated in the multibib manual.
in a .bib file you cannot use math mode commands (such as "$" and "^"). Change your bib database to
Code: Select all
author={A. Haufe and D. Lorenz and K. Roll and P. Bogon},
title={Concepts to take elastic {Tool} {Deformations} in {Sheet} {Metal} {Forming} into account},
journal = {10\textsuperscript{th} International LS-DYNA\textsuperscript{\textregistered}\ Users Conference},
note = {Metal Forming(1)}
author="Chris Galbraith",
title ="{Sheet Metal Forming Simulation Using {LS-DYNA}}",
organization ="\\Metal Forming Analysis Corporation",
year ="2001",
note ="Course notes"}
Re: How to use multibib...?
Thx, but that did not help using multibib (and normally that seems to work fine for me) - so that seems not to be the problem.
How to use multibib...?
Well, it works OK in my system; I attach the pdf I obtained after compilation of your example code with the modifications I suggested for the bib database.
Please, process your code (I'll refer to it as test.tex) in the standard way, using the .bib database modified as I suggested:
and post here, as an attachment, the .log file obtained.
Please, process your code (I'll refer to it as test.tex) in the standard way, using the .bib database modified as I suggested:
Code: Select all
(pdf)latex test
bibtex test
bibtex dk
(pdf)latex test
(pdf)latex test
- Attachments
- test.pdf
- (75.61 KiB) Downloaded 1463 times
Re: How to use multibib...?
I got it to work (nice on a monday morning), however I needed to split the bib-database into two files and compile them seperately. The example in the multibib documentation shows that the same bib-database (lit.bib) is used - would be convenient If they could stay in the same file.
Are u using a two-file bib-database or just one like in the documentation?
Furthermore, I have defined TWO new bibs (in the example only one extra is defined), eventhough I only need one extra - otherwise I could not compile the bib-file.
Are u using a two-file bib-database or just one like in the documentation?
Furthermore, I have defined TWO new bibs (in the example only one extra is defined), eventhough I only need one extra - otherwise I could not compile the bib-file.
How to use multibib...?
My previous reply was crystal clear. I only used one bibliographical database.Medova wrote:...Are u using a two-file bib-database or just one like in the documentation?..
Re: How to use multibib...?
well... that for sure does not work for me. Two bib-databases is apparently my solution.
Re: How to use multibib...?
Please post here a MWE showing clearly that (after my suggestions) your problem persists.