GeneralTeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

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TeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

Post by gletsjer »


I've got a problem with TeXnicCenter. When I click at "Build and view current file", this is what happens:
  1. An error that says the document can't be found appears.
  2. Adobe Reader opens, but without a document.
  3. A second error appears: [DocOpen("%bm.pdf")][FileOpen("%bm.pdf") Cannot execute the command.

On the internet, I read about people who had the same problem, and most of them could solve it by doing this:

Alt + F7 - LaTeX -> PDF - viewer - Path of executable - enter the correct pad to adobe reader

I already did this, and it didn't help. But I think the difference between my problem and theirs is that the PDF-file isn't made when I click at "Build and view current file".

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

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Re: TeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

Post by U-Jean »

Does the PDF build when you build it without opening a viewer (F7)?
If it does not, then look in the buildwindow for errors and warnings. This will help you identify the source of your problem.

The best answer concerning all AdobeReader related errors is just not to use it.
It is buggy and bloated.
PDF Xchange Viewer is free, offers more functions, and is much faster than AdobeReader. If you dont need any additional functions but speed is important, then I would suggest to use SumatraPDF.
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Re: TeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

Post by gletsjer »

Thanks! When watching the buildwindow, I realised there was no text in my document. I find it weird that this can cause such problems, but it's solved now :). Thank you!

But I think I will switch to another pdf-viewer, to avoid other problems.
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Re: TeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

Post by cici »

Hello, I find the same problem as you but when I use beamer (with "article" documents everything works): Whenever I compitale a new beamer presentation (already saved of course) it apperas a warning saying:

Cannot execute the command

My acrobat (9.0) opens but there is nothing there. Besides, it is not created the pdf document next to my tex document in the folder.

But the most extrange is that it does open beamer presentations I make in other computers. But, it does not consider any change I made on them!!. Suppose I add a new frame into one of these tex documents, It compilates, but the new frame is not there. The same happens whith any change, an extra word, numer...)

Does anybody know what is the problem here?

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Re: TeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

Post by MartinC »

The usual answer: give us more details... What do you see in the build output windows? Is there something special in the log file? Did you try to reboot the computer?
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Re: TeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

Post by cici »

Hi, I will be more specific:

Any time I compilate a new beamer document it appears:

- An error that says the document can't be found appears.
- Adobe Reader opens, but without a document (it appears the initial screen for adobe)
- A second error appears: [DocOpen("%bm.pdf")][FileOpen("%bm.pdf") Cannot execute the command.

Any time I compilate an older beamer document, it appears perfectly in the adobe. But, if a make a change in the tex file (whatever change), it does not appears. It always appear the version of the document without the change.

And yes, I reboot the computer many times...

And no, I do not see anithing strange in my log file...

I do not what else to do, any suggestion is welcomming.
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Re: TeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

Post by MartinC »

What do you read in the Build Output window?
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Re: TeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

Post by cici »

My adobe is in spanish, it says:

"Error al abrir el documento. El archivo no se encuentra"

wich means:
"Failed to open the document. File Not Found"

I am answering your question? if not, please explain me what the "Build Output window" is, because I think is the pdf result after compilating...
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Re: TeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

Post by MartinC »

You should be able to view the Build Output window with Ctrl+Alt+b. That's where you can be warned of errors.
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Re: TeXnicCenter "cannot execute the command"

Post by cici »

When I press Ctrl+Alt+b appears:
in tex document.

But I think you are talking of the Output Bar (where the mistakes apperar, I am right?)
If this is the case, nothing extrange appears, just:
LaTex-Result: O Error(s), 0 Warning(s), 0 Bad Box(es), 0 Page(s)
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