GeneralHow do I add a program to Texniccenter

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How do I add a program to Texniccenter

Post by Arikis »

Please give a detailed example, say with footnpag.

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Re: How do I add a program to Texniccenter

Post by gmedina »

Yo do not add packages to TeXnicCenter, you add them to your LaTeX distribution. If you are using MiKTeX, the footnpag package comes with it. If not, and you are using MikTeX 2.6 then the installation will be performed automatically.
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Re: How do I add a program to Texniccenter

Post by Arikis »

Here is some more information on my problem because I have not been able to move forward yet.

1. Originally I had miktex 2.5 installed. Because of the previous answer I installed miktex 2.6. Now I do I know that texniccenter is now linked to the 2.6 version and not to the 2.5 version. Do I have to reinstall texniccenter too?

2. How do I use footnpag? By \footnpag or by \usepackage{footnpag}?

3. Whe I write \footnpag I get an errror "file 'footnpag.sty' not found".

4. When I try \usepackage{footnpag} I am prompted that the file tex\latex\footnpag\footnpag.sty is missing. When I give a web site for download I get an error that the file was not found. When I download the file and give the directory where the package is found I get the message that the directory is not a local package repository.

Any advise?

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How do I add a program to Texniccenter

Post by gmedina »

I heven't used TeXnicCenter nor MiKTeX for a long time now so I can't give you advise on installation problems.

You use the footnpag package as the following example shows

Code: Select all


\blindtext{\footnote{First footnote}}
\blindtext{\footnote{Second footnote}}
\blindtext{\footnote{Third footnote}}
\blindtext{\footnote{Fourth footnote}}
\blindtext{\footnote{Fifth footnote}}
\blindtext{\footnote{Sixth footnote}}
The blindtext package was included only to automatically generate some text.

If the automatic installation of the package is failing, you can always install a package "by hand". The file contains a file INSTALL that gives you some advise on this process.

If you are in a rush and you will only use the footnpag package for this particular project, then you can always use this trick: uncompress (to be found here) and copy the files from it in your currect working directory (i.e., the one containing your .tex file). In fact, I think that you will only need to download footnpag,sty and copy this file in your working directory.
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Re: How do I add a program to Texniccenter

Post by localghost »

For solutions on installation problems with MiKTeX or TeXnicCenter, please use the search function of this forum. There have already been some threads that deal with this problem.
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Re: How do I add a program to Texniccenter

Post by Arikis »

Thanks gmedina, I managed to get the footnpag to work.

Now another question: I do not use yet bibtex and I sometimes use end notes for references. I have for each such reference a cite command. In the text the references appear as [n] where n is a number generated successively. All this is fine. Now I want to remove the brackets and have the number n appear as superscript. How do I achieve this?
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How do I add a program to Texniccenter

Post by gmedina »

This can be done in several ways. Since you are noy using BiBTeX for your bibliography, you can use the cite package with the option super as the following example shows:

Code: Select all



 \bibitem{firstbibitem} First bibliographical item.
 \bibitem{secondbibitem} Second bibliographical item.
Another option, when using BiBTeX, would be to use, for example, the jurabib and footmisc packages and the \footcite command.
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Re: How do I add a program to Texniccenter

Post by Arikis »

G! you are great! I managed to do that.

Now for my next problem: I have my bibliography in a table which I place in the one before last section; however, the table is printed only at the end of the document. I think I saw somewhere that this is the default. Can I change it?
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Re: How do I add a program to Texniccenter

Post by gmedina »

Please post the relevant parts of the code you are using to define and place the table containing the bibliography.
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Re: How do I add a program to Texniccenter

Post by Arikis »

Here it is:

Bernstein F.&
Untersuchungen aus der Mengenlehre. Mathematische Annalen 61, 117-155. \\

This is the first entry of the table. Then come the following for the section comprising of the end notes:



\bibitem{Grundlagen:1996}Grundlagen einer allgemeinen Mannigfaltigkeitslehre. Cantor 1932 p 165, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 878.

And the end is:


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