Just started using Tex. Using TeXnicCenter with MiKTeX2.7.
But can not view figure in output

I have selected output profile as LaTeX=>PS=>PDF
Compiler: LaTeX
Path: C:\texmf\MiKTeX\bin\latex.exe
Arguments: --src -interaction=nonstopmode "%Wm"
Viewer: Acroread
Path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe
but after compiling an error comes =>
I can't write on file `Rucha-Ths.pdf'.
Please type another file name for output
! Emergency stop.
*** (job aborted, file error in nonstop mode)
Fatal error occurred, no output pdf file created.
But the the created pdf is viewed , with all changes made !!
But the figure is not viewed

Please suggest me . I guess problem with compiler