BibTeX, biblatex and biberBib file and Tex file in different folders

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Bib file and Tex file in different folders

Post by new_to_tex »

Hi All,

I'm learning TeX, and today I try creating a bibliography. The problem is I keep my bib file in a folder, say a centralized folder for most of my source codes, and I compose the Tex file in another folder. I know that I should use this command for generating the bibliography:

Code: Select all

But this command seems to work only if there is no blank space in the path, for instance C:/Works/Source/Mybib.

In my case, there are some spaces in the path:
C:/Document and Setting/User name/Source...

How can I solve the "space" problem and generate the bibliography?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Re: Bib file and Tex file in different folders

Post by phi »


you should either place the bibliography files in a directory that is searched by your TeX distribution or set the BIBINPUTS environment variable appropriately.
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Re: Bib file and Tex file in different folders

Post by new_to_tex »

Thank you, phi.

I think I will keep the source folder which has the bib file and the tex folder in the same "mother" folder. Then I can use "relative" path to link to the bib file.

Change the BIBINPUTS variable is a good option, but if I copy my files to another computer, I have to set up again the variable, which in some case not convenience.
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