Conversion Toolsdvips problem: no Cyrillic letters in output

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dvips problem: no Cyrillic letters in output

Post by san »

A few days ago I was quite happy, but then my HDD died, and I got new HDD. I reinstalled everything, including software I use for processing TeX documents:
1) MikTeX 2.8
2) GhostScript 8.7
3) GSView 4.9
4) TeXnicCenter 1RC1
5) Adobe Reader 9.2

[The noticeble difference from my old installation is that this time I installed MikTeX Basic (which should install missing packages on-the-fly).]

The problem is following: now the Cyrillic letters disappeared from PDF when I select «LaTeX => PS => PDF» profile in TeXnicCenter.

I viewed in Adobe Reader my old PDF files and found no problem with Cyrillic letters, so, Adobe Reader is not a problem. Then I looked (by GSView) at the PS files produced as intermediate stage: they also have no Cyrillic letters. DVI files are OK. So I decided, that problem is in DVIPS.

Parameters used for DVIPS in TeXnicCenter:
Executable: C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.8\miktex\bin\dvips.exe
Arguments: -P pdf "%Bm.dvi"

Interesting thing is that if I remove the «-P pdf» argument from «Arguments» then Cyrillic letters appear in resulting PS (and in PDF), but the fonts are ugly: they are raster instead of vector (even in resulting PDF). So, this is not a good solution for me.

May be something is missing in my MiKTeX Basic installation?

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dvips problem: no Cyrillic letters in output

Post by v_krastev »

Hi San,

I think that you must install CM-Super Family of fonts, which are contained in the package cm-super. That worked for me. Similar problem is described in the topic "Raster fonts in PDF", see in

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