Generalcross-referencing problem in a multi-file document

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cross-referencing problem in a multi-file document

Post by benti »

Dear all,

Please help! My manuscript is due, but it is suffering from a number of nastily persistent cross-referencing problems.

I have made a set-up with separate files for each chapter and a master file with the preamble etc. I should probably add that I use the compilation route with pdftex and auto-pst-pdf, out of a necessity to have both postscript and pdftex functionality.

Out of the 200+ cross-references in the entire document, there are nine that are not resolved, no matter how often I compile the document. They are random in that other references, often in the same paragraph are resolved without problems, but it's also consistently the same nine. I tried deleting and re-placing them, but to no avail. The compilation log doesn't help either.

What can this be? What information do you need me to supply in order to help? Any assistance you can give is most welcome, as I am missing my deadline here.


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Re: cross-referencing problem in a multi-file document

Post by localghost »

At first you should specify which type of cross references aren't resolved (floats, equations, citations, ...). And it can't do any harm if you learn to read the log file. It contains the necessary information. Check whether the critical references have something in common (for example all are citations). Make sure that there are no typos in the concerning labels and references.

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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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