Graphics, Figures & TablesTable size control

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Table size control

Post by jubairarifctg »

Hi there

I can create a table perfectly. However the size is the problem. I got 7 columns and in each column I have some description which goes around 50 character. As a result my table width gets really so big that it goes beyond right hand margin.

I reduced the font size and could bring the table within margin. But now the text is unreadable.

How can I have such a table with normal readable font size? Can I break my sentences those are around 50 characters into different line? Because now these whole 50 characters are printed in one line.


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Stefan Kottwitz
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Table size control

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Arif,

you could use p-columns with certain width, the sentences in the cells would be broken then:

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Re: Table size control

Post by jubairarifctg »

Hi Stefan

it was helpful and it works for me and the table width is now within page size. However, I found as my table is big, now it is gong over-length hight wise. I used \scalebox{0.70} and kept it inside a page.

Is it a good solution or there is any better way I can do it?

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Re: Table size control

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

If the quality is acceptable ... instead of \scalebox you could try a smaller font size again.
Further you could consider to set the table in landscape orientation or to use a table with a page break inside.

Stefan admin
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