I used WinEdt before, but recently I switched to TechnicCenter.
There is one feature I haven't found in TechnicCenter yet:
WinEdt has a text parser that provides a list of reference labels from the BibTex file if you write \cite{}.
This tool makes referencing easy, because you don't have to remember or search all your BibTex entries.
Does TechnicCenter has such feature?
General ⇒ tool to get list bib-references?
Re: tool to get list bib-references?
Yes, you just have to create a project with your tex file. However it won't list the references that are in a bib file. If think you should have a look at Jabref which is a powerful bib file manager.
Re: tool to get list bib-references?
Somehow I overlooked the navigator tab of entries of the bibtex file (had been looking all over the program millions of times
). Anyway because of your reply I checked again & found it and it makes things easier indeed. I will have a look at the JabRef as you suggested.
So, thanks for the reply!

So, thanks for the reply!
Re: tool to get list bib-references?
LEd (http://www.latexeditor.org/) can do it. Usually, I use LEd and TexnicCenter. They both have advantages and disadvantages.
Re: tool to get list bib-references?
thanks wenbin, i've downloaded LEd as well to see the differences.