- Miktex v. 2.6
- Texniccenter v. 1 Beta 7.01 ('Greengrass')
- XP Pro SP2 fully updated
Dear all, I had the following problem - update: it has been solved.
\\ -- Problem:
Everyone should be familiar with this problem, I guess...Often using pdflatex, resulting error messages are cut off after the 79th (or so) character, to continue on the next line. In the middle of a line number, for example. This makes reading these messsages very, yep, VERY annoying.
\\ -- Solution attempt (succeeded):
In order to get readable error messages from pdflatex, I read the miktex manual
(http://docs.miktex.org/manual/pdftex.html). Chapter 6 gives some command line arguments which should customize this error presenting behavior. The option -error-line=n (with n being a number, like, 200 or so, bigger that 80 anywayz) should "Set the width of context lines on terminal error messages.". Also set the option -max-print-line=n. These options can be added in Texniccenter under the menu Build->Define Output Profiles (Alt-F7). So my line of additional command line options now looks like this:
[-max-print-line=200 -interaction=nonstopmode -error-line=200 "%pm"]
(without the square brackets around it)
Indeed, the setting is added in pdftex.cfg which is located somewhere in the Miktex directory.
The editor allows to change the font setting of the output window, by the way, so most or all lines are fully visible.
In previous versions of miktex, the so-called miktex.ini-files had to be adjusted to obtain this result. Up top about Miktex 2.4, a String with something like max_print_line had to be added to this file.
Anyone know where I could have found this info as well?