Hi community,
I´m using the listings package and I try to write the caption below the listbox.
But I can`t find the right command.
\lstinputlisting[backgroundcolor=\color{rahmen},frame=single,label=lst:bresenham,caption=Bresenham-Algorithmus,numbers=left, numberstyle=\tiny, numbersep=5pt]{listings/umsetzung/bresenham.txt}
if I tryed is with captionpos I got a title below and above the listing!!!
captionpos=hsubset of tbi
specifies the positions of the caption: top and/or bottom of the listing.
Can someone give me a hint?
THX samy
General ⇒ listings - package caption below the list
listings - package caption below the list
Hi Samy
Play with the belowcaptionskip argument. By default its value is \smallskipamount.
Play with the belowcaptionskip argument. By default its value is \smallskipamount.
Code: Select all
\lstinputlisting[ ... ,captionpos=b,caption=Bresenham-Algorithmus, belowcaptionskip=4pt]{listings/umsetzung/bresenham.txt}