GeneralText fontsize in document of class article

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Text fontsize in document of class article

Post by essam »

Dear All,

I am facing a problem in the fontsize of the text-body of my article document. I am using the following command:
\documentclass [12pt]{article}

Yet, the output text size is always 10pt. Does anyone have suggestions?

FYI, I am using TeXnicCenter on top of MikTek in Windows XP operating system.


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Text fontsize in document of class article

Post by nunolf »

Hi there

You must have something (probably a package or a LaTeX command like \small) that resets the font size.

You could write the following in the preamble of your .tex file, and send us the list of packages being read by your compiler.
% Places a list of all files used in the log file.
% ****************************************************************

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Re: Text fontsize in document of class article

Post by 3l33t »

you could try


opts is the other options you've specified in the beginning of your doc e.g. a4paper, 12pt, ... in the example you give above you don't specify opts so remove that bit then 8O
extarticle is an extension of the article class allowing you to use bigger fonts. You'll probably have to install the extra package (I know you have to in miktex 2.6/5).
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Joined: Fri Sep 14, 2007 10:34 pm

Re: Text fontsize in document of class article

Post by essam »

Dear All,

Thanks for the replies. Actually, I am using a new template that is working fine now.
Thanks for your help guys.

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