for a presentation, I would like to sequentially highligh rows of a table. Therefore, I simply use different copies of one table and then make the letters of the row which I want to emphasize red with function \textcolor{red}{what should be red}:
Code: Select all
1 & 2 & 3 & 4\\
2&0.75 &0.67&0.65\\
\textcolor{red}{3}&\textcolor{red}{0.66} &\textcolor{red}{0.66}&\textcolor{red}{0.67}\\
1 & 2 & 3 & 4\\
\textcolor{red}{3}&\textcolor{red}{0.66} &\textcolor{red}{0.66}&\textcolor{red}{0.67}\\
2&0.75 &0.67&0.65\\
Thanks in advance,