XeTeXPDF graphics and xelatex

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PDF graphics and xelatex

Post by meznaric »

I was wondering why when I include a PDF graphic in the document it simply shows up as empty space whereas in pdflatex it works as expected? Any ideas?

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PDF graphics and xelatex

Post by gmedina »


can you please post a minimal working example that allows us to reproduce the odd behaviour mentioned? Posting the actual image as an attachment would be ideal.
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PDF graphics and xelatex

Post by meznaric »

Sure, here goes the code:

Code: Select all

\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{article}



 \caption{The graph showing useful entanglement $E_u$ as a function of the probability of erroneous detection $p$.}

I have tried the above with \usepackage[xetex]{graphicx} as well with no success. The image in question is attached.
The file that is not displayed.
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Re: PDF graphics and xelatex

Post by gmedina »


I did a test with the code and image provided and everything went OK (I attach the resulting pdf file). Do you get any warnings/errors? after compilation of your test code?
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Re: PDF graphics and xelatex

Post by meznaric »

Hmmm, this is really strange. I get no errors or warnings when I compile the file and the result is as attached.

I am using the programme Kile in Linux to compile the above file with the TeXLive distribution that comes with Fedora 10. I had to set up kile manually to use xelatex and here are the settings I used:

command: xelatex
options: -output-driver=xdvipdfmx -papersize="a4" %S.tex

Are you using any options when you compile the file? Maybe the command line options above could be at fault?

Edit: What I just noticed is that another picture, that is also in PDF format, appears like normal, in the same document where the PDF graph does not appear - I am now attaching a document that shows this effect. Another important thing that I discovered is that Fedora 10 is using xetex version 0.996.
Here the Oxford logo is displayed like normal, but the graph is not displayed.
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The graph is not displayed.
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PDF graphics and xelatex

Post by gmedina »

meznaric wrote:...
command: xelatex
options: -output-driver=xdvipdfmx -papersize="a4" %S.tex

Are you using any options when you compile the file? Maybe the command line options above could be at fault?
I compiled directly from the command line using

Code: Select all

xelatex test.tex
I think that the driver option is not necessary for this particular code.
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Re: PDF graphics and xelatex

Post by meznaric »

Yes, I tried that as well and it didn't work any better.

When I first installed xetex I had some problems with mathematical fonts and so I installed the newest fontspec package from CTAN (which fixed the problem). Could this package now be causing the graphics problem? A friend of mine, on Fedora 11, has done the same thing and seems to be suffering from the same PDF problem.
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Re: PDF graphics and xelatex

Post by meznaric »

Just to update anyone who might be reading this, I have tested the same code in Ubuntu and it works perfectly. It seems that Fedora might have a buggy distribution of TeXLive ...
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Re: PDF graphics and xelatex

Post by frabjous »

Did you see if your Fedora and your Ubuntu are using the same versions of xelatex?

Open a console and type in:

xelatex -v

to see what version it's using. I'd be interesting in learning which version(s) are working for you and which aren't.
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PDF graphics and xelatex

Post by kwasposer »

Did you solve this problem? My problem has something to do with the kind of PDF file. I just installed the TeX Live distribution on my Windows. But still having the problem that using \includegraphics{*.pdf} is producing an empty picture frame without error or warning. Like newer version it doesn't except, and the picture keeps plain. Is there any other solution?

Edit: Solved Problem with pdfcrop.

Code: Select all

pdfcrop file.pdf

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