Generalwhy is it slow to save large documents to server?

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why is it slow to save large documents to server?

Post by sb398 »


I have a bug that it takes about 5-6 seconds to save a file (1MB) to the server but almost no time to save it locally. The server is configured with Windows 2003 R2 with a fibre channel SAN in a cluster environment. Do you have an idea what it could be due to? This problem only appeared recently and does not occur with the same file under Word or Notepad so probably has to do with Texnic Center. It is also not user-specific. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks!


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Re: why is it slow to save large documents to server?

Post by DaveFromOz »

I have verified this. Saving a 2.2 Mb file from Windows XP to a Linux server via Samba takes much longer with TeXnicCenter than with TeXmaker or WinEdt. However, it seems to be quicker when I mount the server using AppleTalk.

As well, running LaTeX on the 2.2 Mb file on the server takes much longer (40 secs) than when locally mounted. However, when I switch to Vista, the compile time drops from 40 to 12 seconds.

Finally, switching to Linux (Fedora Core 7) on the same computer seems to make no difference when I compile the file locally or on the server.

The problem appears to be with Windows XP, and whatever system calls are being used to access the files over the network. It would appear that TeXnicCenter and the Command environment are using one set of calls, and TeXmaker and WinEdt are using others.
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