BibTeX, biblatex and bibertwo issues with bibtex

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two issues with bibtex

Post by drowsy »


I am having two issues with bibtex that I cannot fix yet
(apart from manually editing the .bbl file, which is ugly).

1) For some reason, bibtex puts a space after "et al. ".
For example, (Devil et al. , 1666), which should be
(Devil et al., 1666)
(no space after at al).

2) The second problem is
when I use "unpublished", for example,

Code: Select all

	author = "Ian F. Putnam",
	title  = "Orbit equivalence of Cantor minimal systems: a survey and a new proof",
	note   = "\url{}",
        year   = "preprint"
the title ends up in italics in bibliography.
How can I make it normal?

I use bibtex as follows:

Code: Select all

Does anybody know how to fix these?

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two issues with bibtex

Post by gmedina »


the idea is to do some minor modifications to the .bst style file. Unload authordate1.bst from here and save it as, for example, myauthordate1.bst in the same folder that contains your .tex;

Search myauthordate1.bst for this bit of code:

Code: Select all

FUNCTION {unpublished}
{ output.bibitem
  format.authors "author" output.check
  author format.key output
  format.btitle "title" output.check
  note "note" output.check
and replace this line

Code: Select all

  format.btitle "title" output.check

Code: Select all

  format.title "title" output.check
(only a "b" has to be deleted). And save the change.

In your .tex file, of course, now you have to use

Code: Select all

This will solve problem 2). Now, I was unable to reproduce problem 1) with the mentioned .bst file. If this problem persists after applying my suggestion, please provide a minimal working example showing the undesired behaviour.
Posts: 44
Joined: Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:00 am

Re: two issues with bibtex

Post by drowsy »

gmedina, thank you!

This solved both problems.
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