Community talkspell checking

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spell checking

Post by ukasper »

Dear users,

all the words I am writing just now are underlined. I think this happens because the editor is expecting (perhaps) German words and not English ones. Is there a possibility to change over to the English language?

Best regards,
U. Kasper

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Re: spell checking

Post by Sven »

As far as I know, the editor for the forum does not support spell checking. Are you maybe using Firefox >2.0? This one has a build in spell checker for editor windows ;)
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Re: spell checking

Post by ukasper »

Hallo Sven,

my browser is, indeed, Firefox 2.0. I myself had not installed a spell checker up to now. I am not sure whether Firefox 2.0 comes with it or not. To be sure, I have now installed a spell checker and changed over to the English language. But I still observe underlining.

Am I the only one observing this?

Best regards,
U. K.
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Re: spell checking

Post by dustbinbear »

hmm,underlining happens when the spell checker believes that the spelling isn't right, but as we all know it's can't possibly know if every word you typed is of correct spelling, you may have type it with u.k spelling but the spell checker checks for us spelling, thus underlining correctly spelled words like "colour".

So I guess, just get the correct spell checker for the specific language you use like (uk or us spell checker) & when a word is underlined, use our own common sense to judge if the spelling is indeed wrong. Otherwise just ignore it or add the word to the spell checker as a valid word.

sorry for my poor English. >.<
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