Text FormattingGiving source URL in Figure environment

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Giving source URL in Figure environment

Post by latexforever »


We usually write

Code: Select all

\caption{A caption}
when putting a figure in a .tex document. It results in a ``caption'' field, displayed under or at the top of the figure.

I would now like to put another field under / (at the top of) the figure: the URL source of it.
How can I do this? Thanks.

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Giving source URL in Figure environment

Post by localghost »

Generally you can put everything into a figure environment what you want. For justification to the left of the contents it may be better to add a box like the following code shows.

Code: Select all

    Any Text that you want above \ldots\\[\smallskipamount]
    \ldots or below the image.
  \caption{A caption}\label{fig:label1}
The \parbox can be replaced with a minipage environment. In the special case of a URL you can use the hyperref package to generate an according link in the output.

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Giving source URL in Figure environment

Post by latexforever »

Thanks for your example. I learnt something. However, I would want to define a field like caption and label.

For example, I would like to be able to write

Code: Select all

    Any Text that you want above \ldots\\[\smallskipamount]
    \ldots or below the image.
  \caption{A caption}\label{fig:label1}
this url being displayed, e.g. under the picture.

Is it possible to do this easily?
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