Text FormattingGetting smaller margins for more text on the page

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Getting smaller margins for more text on the page

Post by Mini »


I've been reading through some tutorials on how to adjust the margins of the latex document, but none seem to be what I want.

Basicially I find that there is too much space from the edges of the page (especially the top). I want to maximize the space to write in as much as possible.

How would I achieve this?


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Getting smaller margins for more text on the page

Post by frabjous »

Code: Select all

\usepackage[lmargin=2cm, rmargin=2cm, tmargin=2cm, bmargin=2cm]{geometry}
Change 2cm to whatever you want.

This really isn't a good idea if anyone else is going to read your document, however. LaTeX chooses its default margin sizes based on sound typographical principles. Reading lines of text too long causes eye fatigue.
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Re: Margins

Post by josephwright »

I wouldn't say the LaTeX defaults are necessarily optimal (the failings of the standard classes are well known). The said, geometry is rather more sensible, so just \usepackage{geometry} is a good place to start.
Joseph Wright
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Getting smaller margins for more text on the page

Post by localghost »

In addition to my predecessors I want to remark that there are some other document classes like KOMA Script or memoir which handle page geometry completely different. In opposite to the geometry package these classes construct a type area rather than letting the author explicitly set it up. But inside certain limits these setups can be modified.

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