Generalswitching languages in Texniccenter

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switching languages in Texniccenter

Post by barreto »

How to easily change the language adopted for spelling purposes? (without restarting and changing the personal directory)

If I go Project => Properties => Project language, this will not (of course?) change the language used by the speller checker.

I need to go Tools => Options => Spelling => Language.
However, this requires restarting Texniccenter (TC) and, besides, I need to manually change the corresponding personal dictionary, which is language-dependent.

I tried a way around: installed two copies of TC in distinct directories. The plan was to make one copy the "English" version and the other one my native language. However, TC stores the profile in the registry, and no matter which copy I invoke, I always get the last setting.

Any suggestions?

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switching languages in Texniccenter

Post by LionAM »

Even if this is a quite old thread, I was faced the same problem (and perhaps others, too). Ideally, the language setting should be project-dependent, but I don't know if this is planned for a future release.

However, I have found an acceptable solution for me: I created a small js script to replace the corresponding TeXnicCenter settings in the registry and afterwards start TeXnicCenter:

Code: Select all

var objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.Run("regedit.exe /s TeXnicCenter-German.reg", 0, true)
objShell.Run("TeXnicCenter.exe", 0)
The file TeXnicCenter-German.reg is

Code: Select all

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
One could also replace the LastProject to open the right project for the selected language or replace the PersonalDictionary

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