Fonts & Character Setsifsym characters not displayed in pdf

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ifsym characters not displayed in pdf

Post by benti »

I wondered if anyone had a solution for the following.

Characters from the ifsym package are properly displayed when I set MiKTeX (using TexNicCenter under Windows XP) to output to .dvi and directly to .pdf, but not for the 'Latex --> PS --> PDF' route, in which case they're left blank. I checked the compilation log, and found that dvips is complaining that 'font ifgeo10 not found'. Sounds like a path error, except that everything is in its correct place afaik. Also quite strange: when I compile to .ps, and then use Acrobat Distiller to generate the pdf, the characters show all right.

Anyone has any idea how to solve this problem? I looked around in various forums, and although many people seem to experience this problem, no solution is around yet.

thanks in advance and kind regards,

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ifsym characters not displayed in pdf

Post by localghost »

It may help if you provide a minimal working example (MWE) with the \listfiles command in the very first line and the log file attached to your next post.

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Re: ifsym characters not displayed in pdf

Post by benti »

Hey Thorsten,

Thanks. Problem's solved; although the ifsym manual doesn't say it is a requirement, installing the cm-super fonts did the trick.
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